Friday, September 10, 2010

This, That, and Everything Else

Well it's that time again...

Let's see if we can do a quick update here. And well, you know how much I LOVE lists so here you go:

1. We have been travelling a lot! Between AL to WI to Las Vegas, it's all been an adventure. And there are many more to come. I go to the beautiful Minneapolis again next week, then go to Hodunkville, KY for some training the week after that and to AL the weekend after that for Bayfest 2010. Woot! Although I absolutely love travelling, it has taken a toll on me. Hubby and I have not had a quiet weekend for a couple of months now. So that's exactly what we will be doing the next two days. Nothing adventurous, just an old fashioned holed-up-in-the-house-sleeping-eating-Netflixing kind of a weekend. Boring, I know, but oh so heavenly!

2. Well folks, I'm at the halfway point to my weight loss goal! 11 down, 11 to go. I actually feel disgusting internally when I eat crap food now. For example, after the whole weekend in Vegas, I literally felt like a big stuffed turkey. What with the massive quantities of food and alcohol, and no exercise except for a lot of walking (but that doesn’t really count). Not that the food and alcohol was not fun. It was beyond amazing! I just feel the after-effects of it when we got back and needed a detox week basically.

3. Oh did I mention we went to Vegas? It was EPIC! We drank, we gambled, we ate, we laughed, we stayed out until 6 am, we walked, we hot-tubbed on the roof of the hotel, we prank called phone sex lines. I mean it doesn’t get much better than that! Of course the only reason it was EPIC was because of the company we had! You just can’t beat that dynamic. I will put up some highlights in a separate post.

4. Two days ago, we added a new member to our family…the new iMac! OMG it’s gorgeous! I sit at work on my crappy computer with the crappy graphics, and the crappy internet, and the crappy OS and I just think about how much I just want to go home and use the iMac! I’m obsessed. It’s my baby.

5. I have some amazing deals to share (with pics…OMG!) so stay tuned!

My words of advice for the day:

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